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Privacy and cookie policy



VEGA s.r.l. wants to inform the user about the methods used for personal data processing. In this policy, we will specify the personal data we keep, we use and we spread.

Personal data stands for every data about a physical person which can be identified (directly or indirectly) thanks to these data. They can concern names, contact details, identification data, online identificators or other characteristic elements related to that specific person.

The following privacy and cookie policy applies when the user visits our websites, esplores our soutions and services, included the events and via web chat communications which postpone to a link in this policy or they reproduce it (“Services”). The following privacy and cookie policy may be integrated or replaced from further declarations about privacy or from terms given from the user from time to time.



VEGA s.r.l. represent an italian excellence in the world applied to lift accessories


Personal data given to the DATA CONTROLLER

VEGA s.r.l. is the data controller which keeps data through company web pages controlled by VEGA sr.l. Via degli Appennini 11-13, 63845 Ponzano di Fermo (FM), p.iva 01578140442. We are committed to protect personal data of our customers, users, employees and other interested parties. At the same time, we help our customers, employees, investors and our organization to be more incisive by taking the right decisions in every situation.

If the user desiders to contact us about questions related to his personal data, we invite him to write down to this email:



The kind of personal data we collect depends on the business relationship between us and the user and also from the services we provide to him. To this end, we can collect the following personal data about the user:

  • name and contact details (name, surname, email address, mailing addres, phone number)
  • working information such as job qualification or other information about the job and school education contained in the curriculum
  • every other information shared from the user through our assistance forms and contacts

If the user is less than 18 years old, is prayed to do not use the services nor to access to them. Vega does not collect nor keep personal data of who is less than 18 years old. If VEGA were to find out that has been collected personal data of underage’s people, it will use the adequate ways to delete this data.



Both us and our third services’ suppliers can collect personal data using the following methods: 

  • direct interaction (for example, when the user registers to our newsletter or Services using site functionally) 
  • data coming from third parties among which there are information about third parties’ websites, other information the user make them publicly available or information given from third sources (government bodies or data retailers)
  • Automated tracking technologies such as information collected automatically about the interaction between the user and our Services or websites. This is done through technologies such as cookie, web log, beacon or tag internet



Both us and our third services’ suppliers are used in order to reach the purpose for which the data were collected and they may be also used for law purposes or other legitimate ones. For example, if the user uses our assistance contact form, we will use the information given from the user to answer to his assistance request. We may also use those information to improve the quality of our customer assistance procedure.

The processing lawfulness is one of the fundamental principle of user’s personal data processing therefore we aveil of the following legal bases (which justify the processing):

  • Need for processing in order to execute a contract or for the execution of pre contractual measures
  • Need for processing in order to pursuit our legitimate interests (for example, improve the quality of our products and Services) 
  • Need for processing in order to fulfill a legal duty to which we are subject (or processing lawfulness in accordance with data protection laws) 

Considering the methods with which the user interacts with us and with our Service, we may use his personal data in order to reach the following purposes: 

  • Administration of our business relationship with the user and with our company (for example, supply and management of the access and of the uses of our Services). This kind of processing is necessary for the execution of a contract. • Development and improvement of our products and our Services (new ones or not)
  • Sending to the user marketing or advertising communications which we think thay can possibly interest him. This kind of processing can happen with the permission of the user or in order to reach our legitimate interests 
  • Hiring processes among which there is the evaluation of candidates for a certain type of job. This kind of processing has the purpose to execute pre-contractual measures and it can happen only with user’s permission. 
  • Availability of online communities (giving to the user forum, information or assistance requests). This kind of processing is necessary to execute a contract or in order to reach our legitimate interests



In order to supply to the user the best Services as possible and to promote our commercial operations, we may share some information inside our company or with third parties on our behalf. It could also be imposed on us a certain legal duty which we think it requires to share outside our company user’s personal data. The subjects to whom we may share the data include: 

  • Other companies connected or controlled from us (for example to manage user’s data or to supply technological devices used for the Services we offer)
  • Our services suppliers (for example to manage or to host the Services we offer) • Subjects involved in corporate transfers (for example to a customer or to a subject who takes over in the event of a sale or in every other corporate operation which concerns our company.
  • Other subjects (for example, if it is necessary external reviews, compliance, risk management, corporate improvment or corporate governante)
  • Government authorities, surveillance authorities in order to answer to a request provided from the law, judicial decision in order to respect current laws

Every time we share personal information inside our company or with third parties in other countries, we uses adequate protection measures in accordance with data protection laws included (if they are applicable) EU clauses. We also use other processing guarantees prescribed from applicable data protection laws in which are included binding corportate rules, mutual agreements or derogations. As prescribed in the applicable law, third parties have to use adequate guarantees to protect personal information and they can only access to personal data necessary to reach their specific purposes.



User’s personal data will be processed to the extent necessary in order to fulfill our duties, to fulfill legal duty and for the extent necessary in order to reach the purposes for which they were collected (in accordance with our data conservation politics and with applicable data protection laws). When user’s personal data will not be necessary anymore, we will use every reasonable

measure to remove them from our sistems and registers or to make them anonymous so that it will be impossibile to identify the user.



We played out an internal policy framework and standards in every our company to maintain safe the user’s data. Furthermore, we limit the access to personal data to our employees, commercial partners, services suppliers and third-parties services suppliers to the extent that it is necessary to know them (based on “need-to-know” principle). Specifically, in accordance with the law, we use adequate organizational and technical measures (politics and procedures, IT security and other measures) to guarantees the privacy and the IT security of user’s personal data and of the methods used to process them



We will respect the rights of the user in accordance with the applicable laws. In the extent given from local data protection laws (included EU protection laws if they are applicable) the rights of the user can include as follows: 

  • Right of access (“overview of user’s personal data”): the right to obtain an overview of user’s personal data from us processed
  • Right of rectification (“rectify user’s personal data”): if user’s personal data are wrong or incomplete, the user has the right to ask us to rectify or complete them • Right of deletion (“right to be forgotten”): the user has the right to ask for the deletion of the information about him in the extent given from the law. In certain circumstances, we may not be able to satisfy your request. This can happen, for example, when the processing is necessary to fulfill a legal duty or to execute a contract. In some cases, user’s personal data are necessary to supply Services and, if the user does not give us those data, we may preclude the access and the possibility to use our Services or other services functionality
  • Right of data portability (“user’s personal data transfer ring”): the user has the right to ask us to transfer directly his personal data. This right can be applied to certain personal data if they are processed with automated means and with user permission or based on a contract signed with us. At the user’s request and if it is technically possible, we will transfer his personal data to another subject on user behalf.
  • Right to limitation of processing: the user has the right to ask the limitation or the interruption of personal data processing in our possession for a certain period of time or forever. In certain circumstances, we may not be able to satisfy your request. This can happen, for example, when the processing is necessary to fulfill a law duty or if we can prove the existance of legitimate reasons
  • Right of objection: the user has the right to object to the processing of his personal data. The reasons of this objection should concern the specific user’s situation and related to the processing based on legitimate interest condition. In case of objection, we will not process your personal data anymore unless we can prove the existance of compelling reasons. In certain circumstances, the user has the unconditional right to object (for example in the field of marketing activities)
  • Revocation of permission: the user has the right to revoke the permission for personal data processing in every moment. For example, after agreeing to be updated about our Services, the user has the right to revoke that permission in every moment. The revocation of permission does not prejudices the lawfulness of the personal data processing done before the revocation.

To practise these rights (if it is possible) or for every other question about personal data processing, we please you to write us an email to

In the case we may seem inactive or if the user does not agree with our politic concerning data privacy, he may also write a complaint to the local data protection authority



Cookies are little text files that can be stored on the PC or on the user’s mobile device. Related technologies can include pixel, beacon, tag, scrip, social media plugin or other similar technologies. These kind of technologies are often used with cookies but they can also be stored in different ways. We use cookies and related tracking technologies (also them are defined “cookie”) for different purposes included the optimization of our websites, facilitation of browsing and the analysys of data traffic on the website. Cookies can collect information to analyze the browsing behaviour, preferences of the user, personalization of our Services as well as supply and evaluate the effectiveness of ad (included advertising based on the interests.

We may also use Cookie belonging to one of the four following cathegories:

  • Cookies strictly necessary – they are necessary for the operation of the website . They are usually set as answer to actions done by the user which are equivalent to a service request such as privacy preferences setting, login or form filling. It is possible to set the browser in order to block or be advised on the presence of these cookies. This may interfere with the right operation of the website or with part of it.
  • Functional cookies – they allow to the webiste to improve the functionality, user’s experience and personalization. They can be set from us or from third parties whose services were added on our pages. If the user does not accept these cookies, every services (or part of them) could not work correctly.
  • Performance cookies – they support analytical services that helps u sto improve the functionality of our website and user’s experience
  • Advertising cookies – they can be applied to collect information, to publish personalized contents and ad on our website or even on others.

If the user does not deside cookies are stored, the major part of modern browsers allow to the user to select the proper options or preferences from browser’s settings or to select the proper preferences in cookie-tool given in some our websites.

We use third parties services (included Google) for our marketing purposes or to supply ad (included advertising based on interests). Also these third parties can use cookie for these purposes or to track visitors on our websites and somewhere else on the Internet. To deselect the use of cookies and device identificator from Google, it is possible to visit “Ads settings” by Google or “Google Marketing Platform opt-out page”. The user may also deactivate certain ads based on interest by visiting “opt-out page” of Network Advertising Initiative and opt-out page of Digital Advertising Alliance. We do not keep nor control these opt-out mechanisms which are controlled from third parties not linked to us. Furthermore, we do not verify who are the third parties which choose to partecipate to these opt-out mechanisms. Note that the deactivation of ads based on interests does not mean the user no longer receives ads about services but rather these ads may be less relevant to his interests.



In case of questions about the way we process user’s personal data or if you desire to practise on of the user’s rights, it is possible to contact us to the email

Where we seem to be inactive or if the user does not agree with our data privacy politics, he will have the right (in accordance with the applicable law), to write a complaint to the local data protection Authority. When responding to a request we may ask to the user to verify his identity (if it is necessary) and to give us information which help us to fully under stand his request. Where we should not accept his request (all of it or part of it) we will explain the reasons.



Occasionally we may update this privacy and cookie policy or every other specific information about the privacy. In case of changes to this policy, we will add a new date to this current policy. This current updated policy is in force since 20.06.2024